Wednesday, June 4, 2014

To be Clear...

Just to be
Crystal Clear:

If for some reason you are not aware, let me take a minute to bring you up to speed - Rihanna is a bad bitch and she continues to be a bad bitch. Apparently, at some point in the recent past the CFDA decided to give out a No Fucking Duh Award (or NFDA for short); and just to make sure there wasnt any confusion Rihanna wore this to accept it (because who else would it go to?) 

And because you would have to in this dress...

Here's who's talking about it: (weirdly conservative) 

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Tracksuit: Our Cultural Brain-Fart

When it Comes to "Fashion," the tracksuit is our Cultural Brain-Fart (Among Other Things, I'm Sure)

I mean, basically.

I am shamelessly addicted to Buzzfeed. I visit the website daily, religiously. It gives me everything I need with out the commitment. I can get news, trash, or hilarity. Whatever. So as I was participating in my usual routine, winding down from my day when I came across “The 21 Most Ridiculous Tracksuits of All Time.” How could I not investigate? And as someone who survived not only the windbreaker trend of the early-mid 90’s but ALSO the Juicy Couture insanity of the 2000’s this post seemed like it promised a whole lot, and I wanted to see if it could deliver.

This is for real. 

So is this.

I feel like the tracksuit was a societal commitment to never get dressed again, unless specifically required to. Like a dress code or something. It was a collective decision that we no longer, as a whole were going to put in any effort. I think since, we have tried to undo the damage. Many a conversation has been had that centered on the complaint that people just “don’t get dressed anymore.” But how do we come back from the tracksuit? How can we forget? I took some of my favorites from Buzzfeed, to demonstrate the different ways the phenomenon manifested itself. (Also, because I wanted every single person I know to see the Buzzfeed list.) There was a range of expressions, from cool, to functional, and even, believe-it-or-not, some tried to make it a sexy after 5 look. See for yourself...

Because heels makes it classier.

To be fair, I think she is doing this ironically.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Did you know Beyonce was covered in glitter? The internet did.

Sooo, This Happened…

 I write about Beyonce with trepidation, because as of yet, I have not found any critical writing about this post, which in my opinion, deserves analysis. That being said, I am in no way interested in somehow singing the siren call for all her devout followers to ruin my life, because someone, somehow felt that I disrespected the Queen Bey. I mean no disrespect, actually how could I? Like anything I say could disrupt her carefully constructed life? And honestly, as opportunity after opportunity arose to examine her influence on pop culture, I have actively declined. I have unsettled and conflicting feelings about her position within the contemporary paradigm.  Do-Not-Get me wrong. I will jam to some Beyonce just like any other self-respecting individual, but her over-all message is one I read with caution. In many ways, she seems more dangerous to me because her camp is constantly on the look out for controversy and squelches it at the earliest opportunity. She’s throwing a lot of money out there to appear as thought she is flawlessly perfect. Which leads to the problem, when is she ever critiqued? In many ways, I find her just as controversial as coke sniffing child stars. 

But the real focus of this post is NOT my fear of Beyonce and her followers, but rather, to bring to your attention a series of decisions she made recently, namely, her photo story in Flaunt Magazine. The current issues bares a nude Beyonce covered in glitter, because really, what should be better than Beyonce covered in glitter? However, the whole thing seems odd to me. Here's a link to the article if you want to read it. And the images, harvested fromFlaunt's website, are below for you to enjoy. Comment if you dare...