Tuesday, March 26, 2013



Today, I noticed a friend of mine’s face book picture had changed, and being the inquisitive person I can be, I asked her about it. People are using their Facebook pages to demonstrate support for marriage equality, and of course I had to join in.  HRC provided the red and pink icon, and representatives have said they feel overwhelmed by the amount of support shown, especially through social media sites. Mashable.com is quoting George Takei to have saying,

“For those friends wondering, this special ‘red’ equality s

ymbol signifies that marriage equality really is all about love. Thanks to Human Rights Campaign  [HRC] for this effort. Please consider changing your profile today in support-esp. if you are a strait ally.”

Well consider it done George. There is also an online PETITION that you can sign to show your views about the two ongoing Supreme Court hearings. It says,  

“As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the Prop. 8 case and DOMA cases, we stand united in support of all the plaintiffs -- Kris Perry & Sandy Stier, and Jeff Zarrillo & Paul Katami, the Prop 8. Plaintiffs, and Edie Windsor, the DOMA plaintiff -- and will continue fighting for the day when every loving couple can be granted a marriage license and receives the equal recognition they deserve.”

I find the whole situation to be quite amazing. I am always moved when people can come together in solidarity and support the rights of others. And of course people are jazzed about celebrity support. Actually, I was thinking of doing a critical post on Beyoncé, but since Queen B has come out in support for marriage rights, I’ll give it a rest, and try to spread the word about this important moment for equality. 

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