Jesus is a Biscuit, Let Him Sop You Up!
Thank you Sister Latrice. As I was browsing the intera-web today, I came across this article written by Rev. Wil Garney, Ph.D., andIamsogladIdid. I adore finding articles written by intelligent, mentally healthy people who acknowledge the world outside of academia and find that external world to be as stimulating as their books and theory. I’m not saying that this never happens, but college courses on Sex and the City, or Judge Judy just don’t hold the same weight as a black women, with a Ph.D. who also happens to be a religious leader, speaking on the marvelous significance that drag queens bring to our culture in a thought provoking manner. Yes bitch, give me more! Because they do, and using their amazing, sequin infused glory to talk about and question the holy, glowing glory of scripter is everything I ever needed in church. Further, I appreciate someone speaking about the contributions of the Drag Queen beyond the basic fact that they are men who remarkably look like women (or women who look like men, but really we are getting in too deep for our comfortably oblivious groups, who might stumble upon this rambling). I would say, “Yeah…Duh, that’s the point.” but believe it or not, that is usually as far as some of the conversations I have tried to foster about RuPaul’s Drag Race have gone.
Really I digress, and I’m getting away from the spirit of the article.
My point is Rev. Garney makes a connection between Drag Queens and Jesus that is humbling, informative, and inspiring if we allow ourselves to think about her point objectively. Maybe this is not what she meant, per se, but basically, Jesus called some lady a bitch. In the Bible. Now, we could argue, “It’s stressful being Jesus, so doesn’t he get a free pass? He just need to call some hoe a bitch, tell her to quit whining, figure the shit out, cause really “aint no body got time for that” and call it a day. Right?” But Rev. Garney argues that the woman provided an amazing example of female badassness even way back when. In the passage she presents us, the women Jesus tried to read channeled her inner Latrice Royal, and stood up to Jesus and confronted his bigotry. Jesus a Bigot? I recommend you read the article.
***UPDATE: Apparently this article encouraged strong points of view. I would love for people to post what they thought of the article in the comments. Good clean arguing never hurt anybody!
"What I Learned From Drag Queens About the Gospel"- Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D
All in All I deeply appreciate writing like this, it’s the type of Bible study I wish I had, and I hope to read more from Reverend Garney in the very near future. Enjoy the links; some are more related than others.
Link to Logo Tv to watch sum RuPaul and her Goils:
And you can follow Rev. Wil Garney, Ph.D on Twitter:
hahahaha I love your reference to "ain't no body got time for that". Also, the Bible's ridiculous. Just another way to try to hinder our freedom and keep our senses of adventure in check.