Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Black Girls Killin It! & Why These Types of Support Groups are Unfortunately Necessary, Not Just Fun and Brilliant

Black Girls Killin’ It!” & Why These Types of Support Groups are Unfortunately Necessary Not Just Fun and Brilliant

I really want to take a minute to talk about this. As I build this blog I struggle with how political I want to get and how often I want to get on my lacquered, Swarovski encrusted soap-box. Because to some people, these types of discussions are alienating, despite the fact they are a stressful and dominate reality of other people’s lives. I guess sometimes the inter-web is meant to escape that reality. However, if I am going to blog about fashion, and all relevant fields surrounding that, posts like this are inevitable.

I am currently addicted, ADDICTED to It is a FANTASTIC site, even if you are not one of the chocolate girls.  I find Erika Nicole Kendall to be thoughtful, informative, and inspirational.

I came across this article written by Kendall when I was looking for another article also written by her responding to another stupid “scientific” study about why black women are ugly and not a beautiful and deserving as other women. First if you think I’m exaggerating look at the articles, and second to be quite frank, I am so sick of this shit. When are we, (oh I’m sorry, THEY) going to get passed this institutionalize racism? Huh? How many stupid studies need to be done to try to “scientifically” support socially constructed prejudice? I know! Let’s start measuring skulls again! Or handing out IQ test to communities we find to be bothersome to our aesthetic preferences so we can justify sterilizing them, because we find their reproductive abilities threatening to our “American” way of life. Oh, by the way does this jargon sound familiar? The apparently desperate need to protect our American lifestyle?

Anyone notice greek skull compared to a marble sculpture, didn't know they had skulls...way to go. This taken from

I digress.

So…in reading these articles, I had a moment of reflection, it made me extremely grateful for these Facebook groups I subscribe to. Despite some of powers that be, that continue to try to justify and propagate socially entrenched bigotry, people continue to get together to celebrate who they are and fight intolerance.

SO FUCKING TAKE THAT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR EAR! (I mean THEY need to, not you, assuming you are not them.)

I am not totally not sure if I can take some of these images off of Facebook; so I have brought images from other related sites and added links to the Facebook groups. Enjoy!

Taken from Essence 30 Most Beautiful Black Women (link below)

Photo taken from Neef Fresh Photography: She posted on Black Girls Killin in-Check out her Facebook Page-DOPE!


  1. I totally love this post and this FB group ( kinda obsessed myself). I always am ALL in when I come across people, individual or groups, that strive to embrace who they are and showcase just how beautiful that is in ALL aspects. Also a HUGE fuck you to those who try to downplay others. I agree that these groups are definitely needed if nothing more, as support group to say you are beautiful and fuck this standard of beauty that is being manufactured to fit a mold, EMBRACE YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL BEAUTY.

    1. Well said Mr. K.Michael! Thank you and I totally agree, uniqueness should be embraced and celebrated. Everyone of us has a different story, and to judge based on superficial clues is reckless, and distractive. Trying to institutionalize socially constructed standards of beauty is in my opinion a form of intellectual terrorism. It creates building blocks that support and defend more extremist ideas. "Love is not with the eyes, but the mind." -Shakespeare.
