Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Rick Owens! Take Me There!

Rick Owens! Take Me There!

Rick Owens @ Spring 2013, Photos by Yannis Viamos 
As I procrastinate taking my behind to my studio to get work done, I watch the Rick Owens spring 2013 show…again. You can watch it here if you like.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I, and a close friend of mine are obsessed with the edgy, grown up feel that Owens always serves. So when I first saw the show on I was a little…underwhelmed. Honestly, I was totally distracted by the hair and I just didn’t know what to make of it everything. 

The bag like dresses with the ribbon seemed like a mocking nod to feminine details, and I couldn’t tell if the fabric was stiff or flowing.  I could see myself pulling pieces for myself, but overall I just wanted more. And I also sincerely wondered about the Rick Owen's client. Not like, “Bitch, who would wear this stuff, Bitch?”  but rather who came into the boutiques? Who were the loyal shoppers what did they look like, what did they talk about, and how did they put these pieces together?

Anyway, when I watched the show on the website, bliss.   AHHHHHH… This had everything I needed. The icebergish foam thing in the back along with the music and watching the girls walk created a mood the stills were lacking. I could witness the contrast between the stiff and flow-y silks and leather and other miscellaneous fabrics he selected.

“There aren’t many designers who could provoke you to contemplate Original Sin, but the intensity of Owen’s commitment to what he does is such that the Biggest ideas attach themselves easily to his work. It appeals to the spirit and the flesh.”

I would have to agree. Although Original Sin didn’t come screaming into my consciousness while I viewed the work, it did place me in an eerie, surreal mindset. I could see myself transformed or removed to another place. I think watching the show did this for me. Owen’s ability to convert is what makes his garments exciting. They aren’t “trendy” but rather transformative and I am so willing to go to that place. 

Links, Check them out!
Photos from are attribituted to:
Rick Owens' Website:


  1. Mary Bang Bang HancockOctober 3, 2012 at 11:09 AM

    I agree with your thoughts on the hair, though I appreciate the risk he took and was happy he didn't overwhelm the models' faces with heavy makeup. I think this drew attention to the outlines of their figures, like what shape they cut into the space. The combination of flowy, transparent fabrics with the stiff angles of the leather makes the line both ethereal and urbanly grounded. If I was 4 inches taller I could see myself wearing this clothing. It's futuristic, and I love that. I want to go to there.

  2. I totally agree with you Ms. Bang Bang. I think if he had styled with too much make up it would have been way over the top. He presented an interesting contrast between natural and unnatural materials and how those materials respond to each other, hard edges and organically flowing bodies of fabric.

    Thanks for commenting!
